Chapter 9

Fated To Love You
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A/N : I have noticed that there is a lot of silent readers. whenever i write most of my motivation to continue comes from feedback. I put a lot of energy and time, writing this story. and to be honest, i feel discouraged when i publish a new chapter and see the lack of comments. Your comments make me so excited to update, it keeps the story fresh in my mind. I'm not asking for long paragraphs, but did anything in my story catch your interest ? did you dislike anything ? What did you think after reading the chapter ? Your reviews help me to grow as a writer and give me motivation to keep writing. I don't want to abondon my stories because I feel discouraged 

With that being said, i'm so grateful for the readers who always take their time to comment :) 

Rosé was running her usual morning route. The sun was just coming up and it was early, so there weren't people milling about yet. Perfect, in Rosé's opinion for running. She was running down the block and coming up to a corner when a person came around the corner of the building causing Rosé to nearly run them over.

'' I'm sorry.'' The person said.

Rosé's head snapped up. Her jaw dropped open. Her eyes widened. She took a step back. Startled. This has happened before.

She would go outside and see somebody who looked like her ex and have to stop and look at them. And then she would figure it wasn't her.

'' Hi.'' Kim Go Eun whispered. She watched Rosé go through what it seemed like many confusing thoughts in the last few seconds and wondered if she could ask if the woman is okay. Both of them stood still, looking at each other with anticipation of what the next words between them were going to be '' Your hair is so much longer and brighter now.'' Her tone was gentle.

'' Hi,'' Rosé replied, almost without a voice. Go Eun smiled. She had imagined Rosé speaking to her every day for the past three years. But nothing could give her the warm feeling she had inside after hearing her again.

'' How long are you here for ? ''

'' I live here again. I have for almost a year.''

Rosé was shocked beyond belief '' Wha- ''

'' I tried calling but - " Go Eun shrugged.

'' I changed my number.'' She paused '' You know where i work.''

'' I'm sorry.'' Her ex said '' i made a lot of decisions then that i wouldn't make now.''

'' This is not the time nor the place to have this conversation, Go Eun.'' Rosé at this point could no longer hold her anger '' I have to get going.''

Go Eun reached out towards Rosé with her hand but didn't touch '' I believe we need to talk.''

Rosé nodded '' And we will but not right now.''

Rosé took a step back then another before she continued her jog.

'' Chaeyoung.'' Go Eun span around and called out just before the CEO could run away '' You look great.'' She said when Rosé looked back over her shoulder at her. Rosé was looking healthier and more relaxed than the last time she saw her.

It was late in the evening before Rosé had finally shaken off that overwhelmed feeling. Thankfully, her workload picked up, allowing her not to really simmer over anything apart from her meetings.

She was on her way to the cafeteria when she spotted Suzy bent over a stack of files. Her eyes are scrunched into concentration, hair tied back, a few tendrils escaping from the loosely held together stronghold. It made her look softer.

Rosé watched Suzy walk towards one of the patients. It was a young boy, hooked to monitors. It was long past visiting hours, the last few stragglers heading out, his little face betraying the panicked expression of the little children when they were left behind at the gates by their parents on the first day of school.

'' Dr Bae ? '' Rosé heard the boy whisper, a tremble in his voice that was much too painful to hear.

Suzy turned away from the monitors '' Hmm ? ''

'' Am i going to die ? '' The kid's face scrunched into worry, like his own words have just reminded him of his own mortality.  He was no older than eight years old yet illness made him appear much older, the sunken eyes of someone with ravaged sepsis, the dry cracked lips of dehydration.

Rosé almost had to look away, no child should have to come face to face with the impending reality of death.

'' Hey. Hey. Listen.'' Rosé watched Suzy squat down to eye-level with the boy, her face honest and fiercely sincere, '' You're not going to die. You know why ? Because i'm going to make sure that doesn't happen.''

She leaned forward and traced a finger over the right side of his abdomen '' You see i'm going to take out this super tiny bit from you that's making you sick and in no time you'll back in school playing with your friends.''

'' Is it going to hurt ? ''

'' Absolutely not.''

'' Really? ''

Suzy straightened his nasal cannula '' Really.''

The kid stared at Suzy with an earnest look '' Promise it's definitely not going to hurt ? ''

'' What about a pinky promise ? '' Suzy held her finger out and wrapped it around his before squeezing his shoulder reassuringly '' I'll see you later when you wake up.''

Rosé was still hovering beside the metal gurneys.

'' She's brilliant isn't she ? ''

Rosé turned around, met by Park Ji Eun peering over her shoulder. She was one of Suzy's best friends.

'' She's something else.'' Rosé muttered distractedly as they both watched Suzy heading towards the OR '' She really is.''

Ji Eun's expression turned unreadable. Her eyes had gone back to studying her intently.

'' So how did you meet Suzy ? ''

'' We met at a charity ball and - ''

'' Look, Rosé. '' Ji Eun suddenly got serious '' I'm going to be honest with you and i hope you show me the same courtesy. What is it you want from Suzy ? ''

It was scary how perceptive Ji Eun was. 

'' Me and Suzy have been dating for months now. I don't understand what you are trying to insinuate.''

'' This is your chance to break things off and live your life and don't ruin Suzy's '' When she looked at Rosé, there was no anger anymore. Only concern carefully masked underneath impassiveness '' Don't break her heart.''

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Cooor_n 0 points #1
Chapter 18: pls update 🥺
lovesickstranger #2
Chapter 18: Author-nim, when will you update? TT
lovesickstranger #3
Chapter 19: Yayyyy new story!! I'm very glad you are not letting go of this ship because I can't let go either LOL
lovesickstranger #4
Chapter 18: Come on, Rosé! Life gave you and Suzy another chance! Being a bit jealous could be cute, but not now that they are finally together. Discovering that Suzy and Jieun had dated may have been a shock, but she should be past that already. At this point it doesn't even matter if Jieun still has feelings for Suzy, what's important -and Rosé should know it- is that Suzy truly loves her. And jealousy can ruin a relationship. Can't they be cute and lovey dovey together once and for all? To be honest, if the only way for this story to be longer is for them to continuously mess up and then make up, I would rather have this story finish sooner nicely and start a new one with the same pair.
Rose_124 #5
Chapter 18: Loving this
blackpinkforever #6
Chapter 18: love to see them have heart to heart sweet moments
blackpinkforever #7
Chapter 18: EEEEE i cant wait till they go on more dates heheh
blackpinkforever #8
Chapter 18: gosh rosie and suzy are so sweet together ishxidhdidbxjd
blackpinkforever #9
Chapter 18: is ji eun lying…
blackpinkforever #10
Chapter 18: jealouse rosie is cute lol